Mays Landing Country Club Saturday October 10th, 2015 @ 8 AM Rain or Shine
Angel Morales is a 6 year old Mullica Township resident who is in the battle of his life.
In 2014 Angel was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Angel has had many Chemotherapy treatments since his diagnosis and is facing even more.
The Elwood Volunteer Fire Company is asking you to help defray just some of the mounting cost for his ongoing treatment.
Your sponsorship and participation can make a difference in Angel’s life.
See registration form for details
14th Annual William Kennedy Memorial Golf Tournament to Benefit the Elwood Vol. Fire Co. and Angel Morales
Mays Landing Country Club Saturday October 10th, 2015 @ 8 AM Rain or Shine
Registration is @ 7 AM - Shotgun Start/ Best Ball @ 8 AM
$90.00 per person Includes Continental Breakfast, Cart, Golf, Lunch and Beer/Beverages
Chinese Auction. / Best Score / Longest Drive / Closest to the pin and More!
Gold Sponsor—$1000 = Only sign located at specified hole
Silver Sponsor—$500 = Shares sign location with another sponsor
Bronze Sponsor —$250 = 4 sponsors per hole
Associate Sponsor—$100 = Associate sign
Lunch Only—$25.00. Starts at noon.
Please stay for the Chinese auction.
*For Further Information, contact John Falciano at
Registration Form Sponsorship: Gold Silver Bronze Associate
Name (as it is to appear on the sign): __________________________________
Contact Name: ____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________
Payment Amount, Cash/Check: ______________________________________
Player Registration (individual or foursome):
Name 1:_________________________________ E mail: _______________________________ Shirt Size: ______
Name 2:_________________________________ E mail: _______________________________ Shirt Size: ______
Name 3:_________________________________ E mail: _______________________________ Shirt Size: ______
Name 4:_________________________________ E mail: _______________________________ Shirt Size: ______
* Please make checks payable to: EVFC Charity Golf Tournament P.O. Box 223 Elwood, NJ 08217
Payment Amount: ____________________
EVFC is an IRS approved 501C3 Charity #22-3794408
Elwood Fire Rescue